
Shadow Of A Doubt

Story 5 in the “Tales of Suspense” Series

When a woman sees a dead body across the way through the window in her Manhattan apartment, she is desperate for others to believe her. Unfortunately no one else can see what she does and it begins to drive her to desperation. In the spirit of old radio dramas of the 1940s, the heart-pounding mystery unravels delightfully until the surprising conclusion is reached.


Carole Carson—a fading movie star—slowly loses her mind while surrounded by a colorful cast of unique characters who either are helping to calm her nerves or are consciously driving her insane. What you think is real…just might not be. Or is it? Illusion, or perhaps madness, is at the heart of a mystery for the ages.

The “Tales of Suspense” Series is a collection of e-Books inspired by the radio plays of the 1940s and 1950s that produced heart-pounding, hair-raising dramas designed to  both thrill and terrify listeners for generations. Each tale is unique and not connected to any other, so readers can jump in at any point. Short in length but powerful in impact, they all feature twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end.


  1. Dean G.

    “Clearly an ending I never could have predicted. Carole Carson is a fascinating lead in the story and is surrounded by an equally marvelous group of secondary characters.”

  2. Janet W.

    “It was hard for me not to place myself in the middle of this wonderful story—a woman who no one believes with friends who are convinced she is going crazy. There was a frightening reality to this.”

  3. Chris R.

    “Vivian and Violet have to be two of the best characters in any story. With them I was simultaneously caught between being endeared to them and being frightened by them. I couldn’t wait for them to reappear when they did.”

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