The “Tales of Suspense” Series is a collection of e-Books inspired by the radio plays of the 1940s and 1950s that produced heart-pounding, hair-raising dramas designed to both thrill and terrify listeners for generations. Each tale is unique and not connected to any other, so readers can jump in at any point. Short in length but powerful in impact, they all feature twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end.
Head Case
$4.99Story 8 in the “Tales of Suspense” Series
Junie and Ethyl had been best friends since they could remember and after once last lingering Kansas blizzard and their graduation from high school, they left the midwest behind to enjoy the sunshine-drenched shores of Southern California.
Settling into the burgeoning youth scene of the early 1950s, they discover a new and exciting life despite Junie’s annoying “blackouts” that seem to surface at all the wrong times. Then, after reading about a gruesome murder of a man in town—someone she had previously dated—Junie begins to wonder if she might be the killer.
Doing her own detective work, she sees the clues and the evidence are pointing to her. Is her mind playing tricks on her? Or is she a slasher dressed in petticoats and saddle shoes?
Each book in the “Tales of Suspense” Series is a standalone story and not connected to the others. Readers can jump in at any point.
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