The “Tales of Suspense” Series is a collection of e-Books inspired by the radio plays of the 1940s and 1950s that produced heart-pounding, hair-raising dramas designed to both thrill and terrify listeners for generations. Each tale is unique and not connected to any other, so readers can jump in at any point. Short in length but powerful in impact, they all feature twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end.
Dead Ringer
$4.99Story 3 in the “Tales of Suspense” Series
Lana LeFleur was the epitome of the movie star queens of the Golden Age of Cinema. Fawned over, catered to, adored and pampered she was the center of her own universe and demanded that that was also true of everyone in her orbit—especially her stand-in who lived continually in the shadow of her stardom. And also her beleaguered newlywed husband, who had sacrificed his writing career to give her the spotlight.
But for Lana, there would be a reckoning. When Cameron, the shy husband, and Audrey, the unassuming body double, begin to develop a relationship…only the cinema diva is in their way and then, perhaps, their lives in the shadows will come to an end.
Each book in the “Tales of Suspense” Series is a standalone story and not connected to the others. Readers can jump in at any point.
Tara R. –
“Like three stories in one that all converge at the end—a heist and chase, sandstorm adventure with buried treasure, and…well I won’t give it away. Clever storyline that had me guessing. Well constructed throughout.”
Melissa B. –
“This felt like Pirates of the Caribbean, Goonies and National Treasure all rolled into one. David Lynch or Quentin Tarantino should make this into a movie!”
Graham W. –
“What a delightful story…contemporary fairy tale even? And then when I read it was based on a real event…wow!”