
I’m often asked where story ideas come from. Good question and one for which I have no definitive answer. In some ways they seem to come out of the ether for me. Perhaps this is why the ancients attributed such creative revelations to the Muses.

In Greek mythology, in fact, there were nine Muses and they were the inspiration for such arts as poetry, storytelling, creative writing, history, dance, music and drawing. They were the daughters of Zeus—good heritage there—and a goddess by the alluring name of Mnemosyne—translated “Memory.”

It seems to me then, based on this rich legacy, that creative exercises are spawned from one’s memory—the collection of events, learnings and experiences that make up a lifetime. The flotsam and jetsam of life that gather in the gray matter only to emerge either when needed or—and perhaps this is the key—when they feel compelled to.

At least this is how it seems to me. A more colloquial way to say it would be “the idea just popped into my head.”

Hopefully this leads to quality writing and good storytelling. I think it does, and certainly makes for some variety. Keeps me fresh, keeps my readers fresh…or so they tell me. If that is indeed the case, if I’ve indeed done that, then my efforts—or the Muses’—will be well rewarded.

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